Thursday, March 28, 2013

Forever House #9

Sunday 24th March, 2013
Morning sky
Yesterday's mudding clothes...
I suppose there are worse things than getting dressed in yesterday's mudding clothes - but at 7 o'clock this morning I couldn't think of too many. Silly ole' me set my alarm for 6am with good intentions of getting an early start... of course it was pitch black and how on earth could I start mudding if I couldn't see what I was doing? So I rolled over and slept till daylight and then wondered how the locals would appreciate the genny starting early on a Sunday morning. I figured most of them are early risers anyway, and they'd appreciate hearing the sounds of productivity coming from my block. My lentil burger from the night before was still sitting in my gut - so a cup of tea and into it by 7.30am. I'm loving the genny, starts first time every time, And I had made six loads of mud and was just  on the last bit of laying it when my new Jack of all trades Dave appeared with his two sweet dogs and a walking stick - not the usual walking aide kind, but the kind you carry in case you come across a snake or a rogue bull or something. This was our first meeting about the work I need help with in order to meet my October 14 housewarming deadline.
Slashed block thanks to Dave

Dave slashed my paddock on Friday, but had not yet wandered through the Forever House. I gave him the grand tour in random order and he can do everything I need.What amazing timing that he and Gabbi have arrived and had time to settle in and get their own place largely sorted; now when I need assistance he is able and willing. I am blessed.

He is going to start with the dunny. He'll cut down four iron bark saplings from among the many trees that are too close to the house and need to be go as part of the fire plan anyway. These will be the uprights, and will sit in stirrups on the concrete slab that exists already over the pit. I have some left over roofing iron for the walls and roof. I'll paint it green to match the house and other shed. Dave will find a couple of windows over at Quans to add light an character. I think our arrangement will work out great for me. I hope it does for him too.Off he toddled to have a swim and then he and Gab were heading to town to stock up on juicing vegetables . They are one week in to a two week juice detox. They are feeling great - although the first few days were tough - Dave said now he wants to run everywhere. They both look lean and well, clear eyed and fresh faced. I wonder if I could follow suit...

I got on with the last bit of mudding, expecting Mum and Dad to arrive around eleven. But that's all done, I've cleaned up ready for next time, and returned to the caravan to make a cuppa and wait... If I disappear down to the river for the swim wash I am so ready for, what's the bet they'll arrive. But it's now twelve and still no MaD. Mmmmmm...... I've just had my final sit on the dunny that is - wonder if it will be the dunny that was next time I come out... Better take a pic just in case. Dave is going to save the rose that is growing up the front of the dunny. I'll kind of miss this funny old thing.

I wrote MaD a note and pegged it to the trailer and headed down for my swim. I swam freestyle against the current up to my tufty grass island then let go to float back down. These moments in this place are my gift from above. I didn't dally though in case MaD had arrived after all. they aren't particularly punctual but they generally do what they say they'll do. As I crawled up and into my block there was no sign of their car- and then I notice the note had gone from the trailer, and as I pulled around the back of the humpy there they were tucked into the shade.
Mum had read my mind and arrived with a towel and no cozzy. So we all got into my car and headed back to the river. I was not passing up the chance of a special moment such as that with my nearly eighty year old Mum. Thunder was rolling around the hills and the sky was looking interesting. I parked the car behind a bush for a bit of privacy and Dad stayed in the car doing his crossword. Mum peeled of her gear and I dropped my towel and we tucked them in under a tree root to keep them dry. In we walked across the mostly sandy bottom. She took her time getting in and the raindrops began to fall, till the surface of the river was alive with the rain.
The drive home

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